Monday, November 29, 2010

So yeah ...

Well I will break my long time silence for this announcement:

I was called as my Branch's Relief Society President.

 I would write more, but right now I should be doing homework. So I may update more, but who knows, I am going to be busy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rain Boots

The last time I was on my blog, I told the story of how I acquired my umbrella. Well, thanks to tropical storms causing Syracuse to be the fourth city in New England with the greatest rain in September, I have since bought rain boots.

Last Friday, I went to Target hoping to purchase rain boots. Thursday had been not stop, down pour and my sneakers where soaked. I got lucky and there was one more pair of boots, size ten, sitting there waiting for me to buy them.

Of course there was no rain all weekend, but now that I'm back to walking to campus or course there's rain. And I wasn't able to wear my rain boots today. My toesies are freezing and wet in my flats I'm wearing. So even though I am sad that I don't get to wear my boots today, I have a good reason why not.

This morning I had an "interview" for a Graduate Assistantship position. I wore dress pants and flats, not rain boots. Now this next week I start up my work as a graduate assisstant. I will be helping to review different cyber resources to help the professors in the iSchool. It should be interesting work, and will be great experience for my resume.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bright Orange Umbrella

Today has been quite a day. I will say that it officially started at 3:30 am and will not be ending anytime soon. Currently, I'm sitting in a computer lab in the basement of the Hinds, with my new bright orange umbrella, writing in this blog instead of doing classwork.

I woke up around 3:30 this morning and decided that I wanted to finish reading Mockingjay. Well I finished it, and I'm still not sure what to think, so I will get back to you on that point. However, when I was done I wasn't tired and it was 5 am, so I watched a little Wipeout and Melissa & Joey online (because that is what busy grad students do at 5 am). Thankfully at about 7:30 I went back to sleep for about an hour.

Now fast forward to my 11 o'clock appointment at the Rheumatologist. The weather has been a bit chilly, but there wasn't any rain when I went in, it was shaping out to be a nice day. All in all the appointment went well. Other then the little bit of fun that we had while putting the needle in for my infusion. The nurse and I decide that she would try for the vein in my hand even though those don't seem to go well. The nurse had the needle in, but as she is taking some blood for testing I tell her I'm not feeling so well. I was starting to get all sweaty and a bit nauseous. The nurse was like "lets get you laying back." Because guess what, I was about to faint. Thank goodness I didn't, but now I know what that feeling is. The nurse said that I had lost the color in my face, and she thinks that it was just a bit of shock for the IV being in the hand for the first time. No worries though, the laying back did the trick and everything else went fine.

Well, that nice weather that I was hoping for all day, it didn't last. As I leave my appointment I have to walk out in the rain, not dripping but pouring rain, with no hood or umbrella. I thankfully make it to Marshall Street only slightly soaked, and proceed to purchase a bright orange, and I meant bright, umbrella. Because, heck, if I'm getting an umbrella to use with all the rain we seem to be having in Syracuse, then it might as well be bright orange. 

After my purchase I make my way to Hinds Hall, in the middle of Campus. To me it was not worth it to walk 15 mins home in the rain, spend only 2 hours there, and then walk back for class at 5. Technically I don't have my notes, but I think that I will be able to borrow paper from a classmate. I went to talk to a professor for a bit and then I made my way down to the basement into the computer lab. So here I sitting blogging. To those who actually read this, thanks. To those that don't, i do not blame you.

Now, me and my bright orange umbrella are preparing to go back outside.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello again

So if you are interested, here is the blog that I am righting in my 511 class. You may like it, you may not but give it a try:

I will try to be back shortly to update on my live, but I tell you it is hard for me to sit down and want to blog. Also, I may post on my other one: lereads (which I think has a link at the side). Who knows, I really don't.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Meet Faye Faye

She's complete! Today the radio was installed and now my car is complete after a first song of Geek in the Pink. Now she is ready for the trip to New York.

Faye Faye (as I have named her) is a 1997 Honda Civic. She has her dents and dings, shifts hard and had the original radio stolen. However, I spent Saturday cleaning her up and we bought a pioneer radio. Now she is beautiful and ready to rock. 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm back!

This post was prompted by those that want to stalk my blog, so you better stalk it!

So right know I am sitting in my parents family room watching the Red Sox vs. Yankees game. And if you are my true friend, you know that I am not rooting for the Yankees. Watching the Fox Saturday Baseball game brings back memories. As a kid I was watching these weekly games when I feel in love with baseball. I know there are tons of people that think baseball is to boring to watch. I disagree. Then again, I find soccer fairly boring to watch and others love it. To each his own.

Anyway, that was probably a good lead in to the fun that I had this Wednesday. My dad and I went to the Rockies vs. Giants game. The weather was beautiful; the playing was great too. After a 10-0 lose the night before, the Rockies came back to win 6-1! It did help that the Rockies had the best pitcher in the NL starting: Jimemez. Here are some of the pictures from the game:

 World Famous Rockie Dog

Me and my plush Dinger

Proof that they won

I know this isn't much of a blog, but I can't tell you all the exciting news in one or I won't come back and write again. So enjoy! 

Monday, June 7, 2010

I am still alive ... barely

Okay, so I promised exciting news in my last post, and I did not deliver. It has been two weeks and I have told you nothing. Though there isn't to much amazing to tell with out pictures and I do not have any. So I will blame that for my lack of blogging. That and the fact that it isn't really that any one is reading this, I think it is more so that at least I am writing this down somewhere.

Well that exciting news that I should have had for you two weeks ago was that I went on my first canyonneering trip! I went down the Birch Hollow canyon. Which I have actually done twice now. The second trip was this last Saturday. The cool thing about that trip was that it was with our marketing directer, so there will be video and video from that trip eventually. So I will post those when I get them.

Other then going in canyons, work has keep me busy running around all over the place. We get so tired after work that we don't want to do much else then sit down and watch a movie and sleep. Which is probably what I am about to do. I know, we have lively lives.

Monday, May 24, 2010

So, it's been over a week

Yeah I know, I slacked. However, in my opinion, it hasn't been anything too exciting to write about. The most exciting part of the last week may be the major burn that I got on my day at the pool. Let's just say that it has taken until today for the burning to cease. Yeah, it was a bad one. And I would like to say that my lesson is learned but we will see :)

Today I came to the realization that I may never want to miniature golf again in my life. We, the rec staff of the pondy, have spent too much time working out on the course. They didn't hire any one to do the work, because they knew that they would have us to do the labor. Today, I spent hours sweeping dirt from the cement of the course, so that the felt/grass can be put done tomorrow. However, I think that some one forgot to tell the boss that we live in a desert. Where, even though it snowed this morning, the dirt is easily blown back on to the concrete. But, it isn't my place to make the decisions; just to do the work.

Well, I don't really have much else to tell, I pretty much eat, sleep and work; with the occasional movie mixed in. But I have a feeling that tomorrow I will have something to report. Wait and see.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I know, I know

okay so I slacked, is that really a surprise. But I hope to get back to it tomorrow. And don't worry you haven't missed much, at least I wouldn't say so.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Thank goodness it is Friday, other than tomorrow is Saturday and I will have to work. But I am grateful that it is the end of a long day.

It started off rather slow in the morning. So we all helped raise the tent that the staff is going to eat under for the summer. It involved pulling, tugging, weaving, tying, tightening, lifting and carrying to name the least. I was even lying down on the concrete for a bit.

The afternoon started out slow, with sporadic rec and projects. It ended with a bang though. We got through about 45 zip lines in 50 minutes. It was exciting. I was at the bottom catching peoples feet, and I guess that some of the guys felt bad for me. They were afraid that they were going to bowl me over. But no worries, I had no problems.

Now I don't know what I am going to do other then eat dinner. I'll figure something out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What have I been up too?

Well friends that is a great question. The quick answer would be: this and that. However, as a reward to those who came to read, I will give you a bit more detail into the more exciting things that are taking place.

As has been the trend at the "Pondy" (an affectionate nickname given by the locals), the weekend picked up some. On Saturday, I was able to be the second guide on an ATV, before I was submitted to the bungee tramp for two+ hours. The Afternoon was spent running around on several activities. Sunday was relaxing, as we seemed to only have one activity at a time.

Monday, well I think that that was mainly trail maintenance. Other then the point where I was called in the basically babysit a seven year old and two five year olds. Which was my reminder of why I do not want to do Kid's Camp. I like taking kids on the climbing wall or zip line, but I'm not big in having to keep them entertained on my own. Thank heavens for a playground and good weather.

Tuesday I was off, so there really isn't anything to report there.

Finally, today. The day I remember best. There are about two families that are in camp right now. I got to watch those kids for a bit more, while the rest of the family went paint-balling. But after that I was able to go out on the shooting trip. I love going on those trips, even though I don't get to shoot anything. I think there is something to when some one shoots down a clay pigeon that you've throw. And those pigeons are hard to throw manually, but I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. The family that we took out to the range really liked it out there; the boy was in a seventh heaven there. So it was really nice to provide a wonderful experience for them.

Tomorrow I am off again, so don't expect a post. Unless something exciting happens.

Till next time!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So, it's been awhile

Well sorry to not keep this up daily, but did we really see that happening?

There really hasn't been much to report. The guest count is low, so it has been a lot of trail maintenance. Which has left some nice scratches on my arm. But let it be know, I chopped down a tree on my own. Not with a chain saw, but with an axe. That's right, don't mess with me and an axe.

Today, has finally picked up with some guests, so there have been things for us to do. I got to do both the top and the bottom of the zip line. I'm not sure why I was put on the bottom, but I am getting better done there. I'm just not that strong, right now. Yet there was still a bit of trail maintenance that we when out on. So, I was out there again.

Tomorrow is a day off, and I'm not sure what I will do. Probably sleep and read. But we will see.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Weekend

So here is the low down on my events of the weekend:
     This was the first crazy day that I have had at the Ranch. There was a group of about 40 11-18 year olds, which mainly speaks for itself. Starting off pretty much at nine, I did 4 Mini ATV rides. At 10:30 we all got a bit of a reprieve as the group did a sort of scavenger hunt. During that time Bryce was able to take me out on ATVs ride to learn the Checkerboard trail. Then, to round off the morning I went up to the shooting range, with Tony, to clean up all the shells; exciting, I know. When I got back to the Ranch, I did play a quick game of ping-pong with a three year old, he was cute.
     If you had seen me in the afternoon, you may have wondered what I didn't do. The answer to that is: not much. I didn't go out for an ATV ride and I didn't take out the paintball game. I harnassed up several climbers and zip liners; supervised several Mini rides; cleaned up after paintball games; and I even worked on the end of the zip line.
    Then in the evening, a group of us went down into Springdale for some ice cream. It is nice to get out of camp and go into the "real world" and spend some time together outside of work.

     In the Rec department, we try to take half days on Sunday, so that those who want to go to church can make a meeting. So I had the morning off, and was able to go to church with one of my co-workers, Tawnette (though I do not know if that is how you spell her name). I did have to rush my lunch, because I had to work in the afternoon.
     Though, if you asked me what  I did for work this afternoon, my answer would be one word. Nothing. The morning crew did all the cleaning and did not have any guests. Then in the afternoon, we still didn't have guests. So some of us went out to the gun range for some practice and prep for the busy season. We got off a bit early too, because there was no point in waiting around for no guest to show. So now I'm on the couch writing this before dinner. Man I'm hungry.

Friday, April 30, 2010


To tell you the truth I really have no idea that it is Friday, you lose track of the days here. That and everyday seems to be the same anyway. All in all a great week: here is what I haven't mentioned yet.

     Again it was one of those mornings where I went in and then was told to take the morning off. So Kourtney and I went on a hike to Observation Point. We took the trial that starts on the Zion Ponderosa property and is only 3.1 miles pretty flat, instead of 5 miles uphill from the park. If you come to visit me, you should have me take you on this hike, it is amazing. The view was beautiful, and you see more of Zion's National Park then you do from Angels Landing. 
     The afternoon was full of well nothing really. Kourtney and I went up to $5 the ATV trail to clear it of branches and such. But other then that, to tell you the truth I can't really remember. Wait, that's it, we moved pool chairs! Yep, we moved all the chairs and we aren't even in charge of the pool area! Thankfully after that we got to sweep up the relax. All in all, an easy day at the ranch.

     I thought that Wednesday was a slow day, nope Thursday was. Ton, Katie and I had to unload the truck that was left out in the snow. So we had wet golf cart seats and soaked cardboard boxes of clay pigeons. The only guests that came in that morning were friends of my supervisor Bryce. So we sent them down the zipline and then it was lunch time.
     The afternoon was even less busy then the morning, so it was of to trail maintenance. I got to see more trails then I've been on before. Which was great because I was able to get more experiences with different elements on the trails. All in all, a day of no guests.

Today, Friday:
     A real day off! Yet, because I can't get off the ranch with out a car, I was in the Rec Barn for the morning. Where I ended up helping out with a rock climber. Yep, I worked on my day off, but right now I really had not much else to do.
     No worries though, I relaxed in the afternoon. I started a movie and feel asleep, waking up in time for my massage. My roommate needed more practice with Hot Stone Massages, so I took up here offer to practice on me. And yes it was amazing! Though, I kind of wasted it by carrying a microwave back to our apartment. There was a whole microwave theft that went down, but that is a whole other story that I don't want to get into.

    Now I'm just sitting on the couch filling you in on my not so exciting life. So, if you read all this way I congratulate you. You are a true friend :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Terrible Tuesday

Okay, let me start by saying that it wasn't a terrible day, I just like the alliteration. It was a rough day though, you will see that as I go on.

First, it started by me almost burning my eye out. My contact container had gotten knocked over last night somehow. But I figured that it had soaked for the 6 hours that it needed to, so I went to put the my right contact in. Then the burning pain in my eye began. It hurt!! A lot!! So I was resigned to wearing my glasses.

Then, you know it is going to be a good day when you come into the Rec Barn to be welcomed by a dirty bathroom and a half cleaned up vomit mess. I had the bathroom and Kourtney took the stairs (the "mess"), which I give here sainthood for. However, after the Barn smelled of bleach, we worked on cleaning up after the paintball games yesterday. I just have to say that those masks can be a pain in the behind to clean.

At eleven, a couple came in for an ATV ride. Since it was a slow day I was able to tag on with the group so that I could get more experience on the ATV. Let me just say that this was the point where I wished that I didn't have my glasses on. I got so much dirt in my eyes, but I still had a blast. Well until five minutes left in the ride when one of the guests got in an accident right in front of me. I won't go into details, but it remained me of how dangerous ATV riding can be. The guest is fine, just some scraps and bruises. However, it was quite the experience to go through.

The afternoon seemed to go much better, and the day picked up from there. I went out with a group for Skeet Shooting, and may I just say that it is hard to throw those clay pigeons at first. Yes we throw them manually with this weird contraption. Right at the end I tried it again and was able to succeed. From there we sat around the Rec Barn waiting for a job and eventually went out on trail maintenance. This time I has an pick axish tool, and may I just say that it is hard to hit the same spot every time.

On the way back from maintenance my thumb was pretty tired from all the ATVing. But no worries, I spent the evening watching disc 2 of season 1 of Glee. Yep that's right: Glee.

Well friends there is the summary of my not so terrible Tuesday.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fake Out

So there is nothing like going to work in the morning, only to be sent back to your apartment for a half day off. Well that is what happened this morning. We have a group of 11 and 12 year olds in at camp, and we were thinking that we were going to do rec with them all day. However, they went off to Bryce this morning; so we didn't have rec with them till 3. Since the camp is pretty quite other then that group, and we needed to figure out days off for this week, Kourtney and I were off till 3. So what are we to do?

 Well we went to Zion's National Park like any normal person would do.
Here is the view from the top of Overlook, on the eastern side of the park right before the big tunnel. We hiked this real quick to find this beautiful view.
The other hike that we did was the unknown one down to the locally named Nuddy Pools. No worries, there were no nudes. But they are beautiful little pools. The hike back up to the road may have been the hardest part of the day.

Eventually, after an episode of Glee, it was time to work. In the end the group wasn't to crazy, other then bungee tramp taking forever. The worst part of the day was the rank skunk smell that arrived after our furry friend "kicked the bucket."

So after a relaxing evening of Glee watching, it is time to sleep and start a new day tomorrow.

First Day On The Job

Today was the first day and I have a feeling that this job is going to be a trial by fire. However, the best way to learn what I'm doing is to be doing it, so I might as well just start. It is just a little nerve wracking to do things for the first couple of times around the guest.

Today started of with some Mini-ATV rides and then a trip to the laundry for the paintball suits. Then we went out to do trail maintain with the ATV's. I felt so much better driving an ATV in the dirt then on snow. All in all I feel much better with an ATV after today. Out on the trails I lopped branches, ripped of limbs and climbed trees; it was fun. The sun was bright and warm, so I got a bit of a burn, yes I know it was my own fault.

The afternoon was spent waiting for a group of 40 11 and 12 year old. But they didn't show up till 5:20. So at one point we decided to go out on the trails and ride around some. This in combination will the morning really helped me feel better on an ATV.

Now that it is late, it is time to sleep. (Also, I'm starting to fall asleep while typing. So sorry for any errors).


Saturday, April 24, 2010

So ... Life

Now begins the new phase of my life. I am no longer a BYU student and I am now a Syracuse student. I'm working my summer at Zion Ponderosa, were I have no cell phone reception and just internet. Starting things new like this always scares me and make things uncomfortable. But I will adjust, I always do!

So I don't have much to say today. I'm tired and reading to sleep even though it is only 9:40! And I didn't even work today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Floor Plan

So here is the floor plan from my facility planning program. It is a community recreation center. Enjoy if you want.