Monday, June 7, 2010

I am still alive ... barely

Okay, so I promised exciting news in my last post, and I did not deliver. It has been two weeks and I have told you nothing. Though there isn't to much amazing to tell with out pictures and I do not have any. So I will blame that for my lack of blogging. That and the fact that it isn't really that any one is reading this, I think it is more so that at least I am writing this down somewhere.

Well that exciting news that I should have had for you two weeks ago was that I went on my first canyonneering trip! I went down the Birch Hollow canyon. Which I have actually done twice now. The second trip was this last Saturday. The cool thing about that trip was that it was with our marketing directer, so there will be video and video from that trip eventually. So I will post those when I get them.

Other then going in canyons, work has keep me busy running around all over the place. We get so tired after work that we don't want to do much else then sit down and watch a movie and sleep. Which is probably what I am about to do. I know, we have lively lives.