Monday, August 9, 2010

Meet Faye Faye

She's complete! Today the radio was installed and now my car is complete after a first song of Geek in the Pink. Now she is ready for the trip to New York.

Faye Faye (as I have named her) is a 1997 Honda Civic. She has her dents and dings, shifts hard and had the original radio stolen. However, I spent Saturday cleaning her up and we bought a pioneer radio. Now she is beautiful and ready to rock. 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm back!

This post was prompted by those that want to stalk my blog, so you better stalk it!

So right know I am sitting in my parents family room watching the Red Sox vs. Yankees game. And if you are my true friend, you know that I am not rooting for the Yankees. Watching the Fox Saturday Baseball game brings back memories. As a kid I was watching these weekly games when I feel in love with baseball. I know there are tons of people that think baseball is to boring to watch. I disagree. Then again, I find soccer fairly boring to watch and others love it. To each his own.

Anyway, that was probably a good lead in to the fun that I had this Wednesday. My dad and I went to the Rockies vs. Giants game. The weather was beautiful; the playing was great too. After a 10-0 lose the night before, the Rockies came back to win 6-1! It did help that the Rockies had the best pitcher in the NL starting: Jimemez. Here are some of the pictures from the game:

 World Famous Rockie Dog

Me and my plush Dinger

Proof that they won

I know this isn't much of a blog, but I can't tell you all the exciting news in one or I won't come back and write again. So enjoy!